Propel Media(原TrafficVance) 的追踪参数(Tracking Tokens)以及S2S Postback URL

Propel Media(原TrafficVance) 的追踪参数(Tracking Tokens)以及S2S Postback URL

Propel Media即原TrafficVance广告网络,和LeadImpact以及50onRed类似,是一个以PPV流量为主的Desktop流量平台,其流量主要来自欧美,不过近年随着Native Ads的兴起,Propel Media也推出了其独有的Native流量。

Propel Media的广告单元比较多样,包括New Tab Ad、OutStream、Native、TextLink等等,所有这些广告形式你都可以针对Keywords来定位。Propel Media以CPV (cost per viewer)形式来参与广告资源的竞争,相比于其他PPV或Native平台,Propel Media媒体竞价并不贵,New Tab Ad和OutStream的US CPV价格从0.011刀起,Native和TextLink的US CPV价格从0.05刀起。

但获得Propel Media广告账户并不太容易,初始充值金额在1000刀,而且账户有可能会被拒绝,你最好有一位经验丰富的、且在Propel Media消费信誉良好的AM或者Aff推荐加入。Propel Media在原TrafficVance的基础上提供了广告商更多的追踪参数,跟随金橙子海外联属营销网一起来了解一下:

#Token NameToken Description
1{bid}Bid Cost (CPC)
2{clickStatus}Identify if an impression or click was a charged bid
3{campaignID}Campaign’s unique ID number
4{creativeID}Creative’s unique ID number
5{keywordID}Keyword’s unique ID number
6{sourceToken}Define traffic sources
7{timestamp}Show the exact time an impression or click is served
8{citystate}Location of a user, city, state format (i.e. Irvine, CA)
9{city}Location of a user, city format (i.e. Irvine)
10{statelong}Location of a user, state format (i.e. California)
11{state}Location of a user, state format (i.e. CA)
12{keyword}Pass back the Keyword
13{ipaddress}User’s IP address
14{fullReferrerlink}Full URL that your ad was shown on
15{rootDomainReferrer}Root URL that your ad was shown on
16{sourceToken}Traffic source subid that your ad was shown on