PopAds的追踪参数(Tracking Tokens)以及S2S Postback URL

PopAds的追踪参数(Tracking Tokens)以及S2S Postback URL

跑过Popunder或者Popup广告的同学应该都知道PopAds,这是一个以Pop为主的广告交易平台,流量主要来自US、BR、VN、TR、IN等,你可以在上面买到desktop以及mobile流量。PopAds的流量价格出奇的低,质量有好有坏,你需要建立自己的blacklist,这样才会有足够多的高质量流量让你开始赚钱。PopAds采用智能出价策略,即你的实际bid只会比你后面一名的实际出价高10%,类似于Google Adwords广告网络的实时竞价策略。金橙子海外联属营销网需要告诉你的是在PopAds跑campaign,你唯一需要担心的就是点损,这也是众多pop广告网络的通病之一,但PopAds有时候显得尤其严重。PopAds的target选项非常丰富,同时其也给我们准备了非常多的追踪参数,选择自己需要的然后开始跟踪数据吧。

#Token NameToken Description
1[ADBLOCK]Set to 1 when visitor uses AdBlock or 0 otherwise
2[BID]Price of the impression
3[BROWSERID]ID of the visitor browser
4[BROWSERNAME]Name of the visitor browser
5[CAMPAIGNID]ID of the campaign
6[CAMPAIGNNAME]Campaign name
7[CATEGORYID]ID of the category website target
8[CATEGORYNAME]Category name of website target
9[COUNTRY]Country of the visitor
10[DEVICEID]ID of the visitor device
11[DEVICENAME]Device name of the visitor
12[FORMFACTORID]ID of the form factor
13[FORMFACTORNAME]Form factor name
14[IMPRESSIONID]Unique ID of the ad impression
15[ISPID]ID of the ISP of visitor
16[ISPNAME]Name of the ISP of visitor
17[OSID]Id of the operating system of visitor
18[OSNAME]Operating system of visitor
19[QUALITY]Quality score of the website which triggered the ad impression
20[SCREENRESOLUTION]Detected screen resolution of the visitor
21[WEBSITEID]ID of the website that triggered the ad

